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Sandblasting & Microblasting of your parts

Discover our Sandblasting & Sandblasting services which make it possible to restore the appearance of new to your used parts by ridding them of all impurities.

As part of our services, we offer 2 service offers for the stripping and cleaning of your parts in order to remove rust and/or paint and to restore a regular and perfectly clean appearance to the surfaces.

The first technique, that of sandblasting, makes it possible in particular to treat frames and certain elements having a thick layer of paint and/or oxidation.
We offer mail order pickling which is shown in the video below:

The second technique is more reserved for finishing because it gives a satin and uniform appearance to your parts. This is dry blasting, also called SandBlasting.
We prefer this dry bead blasting which is certainly slower to implement than wet bead blasting (VaporBlasting) but which has the advantage of not bringing any humidity to the parts to be treated.
Indeed, although the VaporBlasting acts faster because the spraying of water mixed with the glass microbeads gives it more efficiency, this spraying spreads water particles on the ferrous surface of the treated metal parts.
This does not matter on plastic parts.
This is of little importance on aluminum parts or even on stainless steel because these materials are very resistant to oxidation (even if this projection of water under pressure can create a thin film of alumina on the surface of the part and, unfortunately, without the strength or properties of anodizing).
This is, on the other hand, of great importance on ferrous parts. Worse, this vaporbasting can have a counter-productive effect on steel parts that have just been shot-blasted if these parts are not immediately cleaned, dried and primed to prevent the onset of oxidation in contact with ambient air.
Moreover, even on aluminum elements such as carburettors, tank cocks, oil pump elements,... it is not desirable to apply processes using water since, due to their function , these parts are in constant contact with fuels or oils with which water is neither soluble nor miscible. This also assumes perfect drying of these non-ferrous parts if wet bead blasting is used.

For all these reasons, although slower but safer and for an identical result (a bit less smooth, purists will say!), we prefer to use the dry bead blasting technique to restore the shine of your parts.
After the bead blasting, the treated parts are perfectly blown then rinsed with thinner which will leave no humidity and will evaporate completely.

Take a look below at some of our processed parts:

  • Refurbishment of carburettors (more photos here ).
    Below, the 2 carburettors of an 850 TDM ramp. This ramp, which includes the 2 carburettors visible here, was cleaned after 4 passes of ultrasonic washing.
    The result presented by the photos below makes it possible to compare one of the 2 carburettors which has been cleaned with ultrasound but not treated with microblasting (on the left in the photos). A manual rubbing with a plastic brush has even been carried out but all the remaining stubborn traces are embedded in the surfaces and would require scraping with a wire brush or with sandpaper to restore their original shine to these surfaces.
    On these same photos, on the right, we see the 2nd carburettor which benefited from exactly the same ultrasonic washing but to which we then added a cleaning by microbeading.
    Of course, a metal rotating brush would never allow you to reach this point in every corner and obtain such a perfect result!

    Your turn to judge...

  • Complete descaling of a thermostat block (more photos here ).
    Below, the photos on the left which show the advanced state of corrosion on a thermostat housing which is an element very often neglected in the context of a restoration.
    Even if it is a set made up of 2 aluminum shells, you can very clearly see the electrolysis that has been created and accumulated over the years on this part.
    The microbeading carried out and visible in the photos on the right reveals very clearly the cavities generated by corrosion in the aluminum material.

Our dry blasting service can be carried out remotely (by correspondence) under the same conditions as presented in our sandblasting service which is explained in the video at the start of this page.